Mood Meter

In the busy world that we live, we often go through various kinds of emotions and feelings. Every day is different and has its own challenges. On a particular day, we may be happy and we perform tougher jobs with ease and on another day we might be downhearted and may fail to perform an easy task.

Sometimes our emotions and feelings have a great impact on our strategies and decision-making abilities. Hence it is always necessary that we are in complete control of our emotions and feelings so that they don’t hurt our career.  Mood meter is a tool which helps us to identify our emotions and use like a complement of the mood ring colors, thereby providing an opportunity to develop certain strategies to control them. The mood meter consists of four quadrants with different colors red, blue, green and yellow. Each of these colors indicates the different feelings that we have. These colors also indicate the quantum of a feeling based on their pleasantness and energy level.

For example when we are angry our energy levels are high compared to the energy levels when we are calm and relaxed. Here is the category of the feelings along with their energy level and pleasantness index. The red color indicates high energy and low pleasantness it includes various feelings like anger, scared, or anxious etc. The blue color indicates low energy and low pleasantness, it includes feelings like sad, downhearted etc. the green color indicates high low energy and high pleasantness it includes feelings like calm, relaxed etc. the yellow color indicates high energy and high pleasantness. It includes feelings like happy, excited, etc.  So each and every feeling can be grouped to any one of the four colors. The mood meter is a very efficient way to plot your feelings at various times throughout the day. For instance, on a particular day, you can plot a mood meter based on your feelings at various time intervals. Mostly it will be a mixture of colors. If you observe the proportion of the various colors you can come to a conclusion what are the feelings that filled you for that day.

Thereby you can develop a strategy to increase or decrease any feeling that you wish. This exercise has to be performed continuously for better results. If we can do it we will habituate to regulate our feelings. A picture of a mood meter is shown below    The mood meter tool can be used in your family as well. In the present day scenario, most of the parents owing to their busy life often cannot well comfort their pupils, some even cannot notice whether their children are happy or in any state of depression. Some Children hesitate to tell their parents what they go through, they suffer and suffer a lot that they isolate themselves, remain calm, and depressed. If they are not addressed it might lead to anything. In these kinds of situations, parents can access the feelings of their children on a daily or weekly basis.

They can also get to know the problems faced by their children and address them.  In the field of business as well we are often required to make key decisions and any margin of error sometimes can be devastating. So mood meter is always a good option to identify your feelings and keep them in your control. Hence maintaining a personal mood meter is always a good option.

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