Mood rings are quite popular these days. They were first introduced in the 1970s by two New Yorkers. Since then, mood rings have garnered a lot of popularity. They are not just limited to New York anymore, you can find different types of mood rings all over the world. They make for an amazing jewelry item that can be bought at a very affordable price.
How Do Mood Rings Function
A mood ring is just a crystal thermometer in a ring form. It reflects the current mood of the person wearing the ring. The rings change color according to the mood of the person. Human beings emit a lot of energy from their bodies. The emission of energy depends upon our moods as well. People who are anxious tend to release more energy as compared to people who are happy. Mood rings sense this heat energy and change colors according to the intensity of emitted heat. Mood rings can also help you medically. If your mood ring regularly changes to dark colors like gray or black then you should definitely take that seriously. Regular change to dark colors can help you identify medical issues with your body as well.
The colors resonate with the mood of the person however it’s the temperature of the body that acts as a major player in the proper functioning of mood rings.
How Are Mood Rings Made
Mood rings do not always have original gemstones. They sometimes use glass or hollow quartz stones as well. The stones are filled with thermochromic liquid crystals. Thermo-chromic liquid crystals change color with the change in temperature. This is why the ring shows different colors during different situations. The lower part of the ring can be made by different types of metal including steel, aluminum and other similar materials. You can also find luxurious mood rings in the market that have a stint of Gold or Silver in it. These rings are relatively expensive than normal mood rings.
The most important part of any mood ring is the hollow stone that holds the thermochromic liquid. The stone works best when it is in direct contact with your skin. These days, mood rings can be found in different shapes and designs. The shape and design of mood rings do not affect their functionality. The stone can easily be affixed on different types of ring designs.
Mood rings can accurately predict your emotions. They work on the basic principle of heat emission so they are bound to always show an accurate result. Every emotion and feeling has its own level of energy emission. Some of them are given below;
- Green: Calmness
- Violet: Excited, Happy
- Black: Tense
- Gray: Anxious
- Amber: Nervous
One thing to keep in mind is that mood rings don’t always change colors because of the change in your emotions. When you are tired or if you are walking outside in cold weather even then the ring might change colors.
Mood Rings are very unique. They are affordable and can last up to 5 years without wearing down. They not only help to reflect your mood but can also be an amazing accessory for your jewelry set.